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Q: What origin is the lastname Detres?
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It's either French or Spanish origin.

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The surname Saullo is of Italian origin. It is a fairly common surname in Italy, particularly in the southern regions.

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Dyland's lastname is Cruz. And Lenny's lastname is Ruiz.

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The surname Tebo is of French origin. It is derived from the Old French word "teube," which means a lump or a ball.

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Yes, if a person has a title, it is capitalized.First Lastname, M.D.First Lastname, R.N.First Lastname, Ph.D.

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The last name "Pol" is of Danish origin. It is a common surname in Denmark.

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Who were some men who fought in the World War 2?

If it is the correct World War 2 I am thinking of [the world war that was between the USA and Germany], then here are some pople I know. - Bill Guarnere - Buck Compton - Dick Winters (not funny for anyone who laughs) - Joe Toye - Donald Powers - Lewis Nixon - (Lastname) Perconte - (Lastname) Lipton - (Lastname) O'keefe - (Lastname) Randleman - (Lastname) Malarkey - (Lastname) Webster - (Lastname) Jones - (Lastname) Liebgott Those are the only people I can think of from the top of my head. I am so sorry for any misspelling of names or completely incorrect names. I hope this answers your question. :) Thank you for asking.

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The Honorable [first name] [lastname] or Judge [first name] [lastname]

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