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The Lord Jesus Christ.

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Q: Who was the Jewish man that called himself greater than Solomon?
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What was the other name of Solomon the king?

David, Solomon's father called him Solomon, and I am not aware of any other name that he was called.

What are Stacey Solomon's parents called?

Her father is david Solomon

What has the author Solomon ben Jacob Almoli written?

Solomon ben Jacob Almoli was a 15th-century Jewish author who wrote a work called "Milhamoth Hashem" ("Wars of the Lord"). This work addresses theological and philosophical questions related to the Jewish faith and is considered an important contribution to Jewish literature.

What was King Solomon's first name?

King Solomon was always King Solomon. His father was King David. God gave King Solomon the wisdom that he asked for, but no name change that I have ever read about. Actually, King Solomon was called by another name. He was given the name Solomon at birth, but was called Jedidiah by the Prophet Nathan as shown in the verses below. 2 Samuel 12:24 And David comforted Bathsheba his wife, and went in unto her, and lay with her: and she bare a son, and he called his name Solomon: and the LORD loved him. 2 Samuel 12:25 And he sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet; and he called his name Jedidiah, because of the LORD.

Was Isaac Asimov a Christian?

Isaac Asimov was not a Christian; he was raised Jewish but considered himself an atheist. He was known for his skepticism and scientific worldview, which influenced his writing and beliefs.

What was the wise sayings of Solomon that were written down called?

The wise sayings of Solomon that were written down are called the Book of Proverbs in the Bible.

What is the largest island in the Solomon's called?

my ffsffrg

What is a Jewish prayerbook called?

A Jewish prayer book is called a 'siddur'.

In the book called king Solomon's mines why is the mountain called the king Solomon mountain and the diamonds treasures were they leave by the real king Solomon?

In the book its said king solomons mines as it belong to him and the trasure of diamonds also was of him.

Was King Solomon controlling evil spirits?

No, not in the traditional books of the Bible. However, in a pseudepigraphical text called "The Testament of Solomon,' he is noted with a magical ring he received from the Archangel Michael that gave him powers over demons/devils. The Antiquities of Josephus, a 1st Century Jewish Historian, also alludes to this in his "Antiquities of the Jews, 8.2.5. He is also called Jedidiah in Scripture. In Islamic tradition, Sulayman, son of David (Solomon) is said to have controlling powers over the Jinn or evil spirits in the Qu'ran.

What is a Jewish spinning top called?

A Jewish spinning top is called a "dredel".

Is Stacey Solomon's son called Zac?

no Zachary