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The Church maintained the biblical view that the Earth was at the centre of the universe. They heard of Copernicus's idea but said that until enough evidence could be produced for it they would maintain the scriptural view of the universe.

Enough evidence was produced in the 18th century but by that time opinions on both sides were well entrenched by a damaging dispute between the Church and Galileo, who said he was cleverer than all the cardinals, so it took considerably longer for the official Catholic position to change.

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Shanie Mills

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Q: Why did the church believe Copernicus had to be incorrect?
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What did Copernicus believe?

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Who disagreed with Nicolaus Copernicus' theory and why?

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What punishment did Copernicus receive because of his ideas?

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Why Copernicus not get in trouble with the church?

He did get into trouble. The church exiled him and excommunicated him. He killed himself afterwards.

Why were the ideas of Copernicus and Galileo condemned by the church?

The Church took the Bible literally, and they interpreted a verse that said the Sun stayed still. They said that Copernicus and Galileo where traitors of the bible and condemned them.

Why was Copernicus reluctant to publish his ideas?

Copernicus was reluctant to publish his ideas because he knew that the church would oppose him, so he was scared of being kill. this is why copernicus was reluctant of publishing his ideas