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Q: Kevin has a rabbit a ferret a gerbil and a turtle he feeds them in a different order each day how many different orders can Kevin feed them in?
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Top ten pets?

dog cat hamster gerbil rabbit fish(lol) ferret gieni pig snake mouse i have had all of these alsome pets

What is a working ferret?

A working ferret is normally a ferret which is used for hunting - most commonly the ferret is placed in a rabbit burrow to chase the rabbit out into nets where the hunter is waiting to catch it.

How hungry should a ferret be to hunt?

A ferret shouldn't be hungry to hunt. If your ferreting (hunting rabbits), the ferret needs to flush the rabbit out of it's hole, not kill it. If a ferret is hungry, he might kill the rabbit and lay up with it.

What is the difference between rabbit and gerbil food?

rabbit food has little straws

Is a Rabbit more related to the Gerbil or to the Hamster?

No a rabbit is not a rodent they origionate from hares they are a mammal

Can a ferret live in a rabbit hutch?

Depends on where you live, typically in the US the weather is not conducive for a ferret to live outdoors.

What is the cub of a ferret called?

is called a kit same as a rabbit

6 letter words ending in t?

Rabbit, ferret

Is bunny and a ferret the same size?

A ferret can weigh about 2-4 lbs. A bunny can weigh from 1-5 lbs. It depends on the breed of the ferret and the breed of the rabbit, but it is possible.

Animal names with 6 letters?

Donkey, monkey, rabbit, ferret,weasel

Can a ferret catch a sickness from a rabbit?

Possibly, depending on the type of sickness - from bacterias or viruses. Ferrets can contract many different illnesses, like human influenza and canine distemper.

What animals jump?

Many. Here are a few: Kangaroos Dogs Cats Lizards Dolphins (technically) -some fish frogs A Rabbit, A Hare , A Mouse , A Rat , A Hamster , A Gerbil