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Mark Stretton Is an English WarBow Shooter , and an Excellant shot , However they are two totally Different styles of Archery .

ELBs are the only Bows The English respect and while that's fine , Its not the only style out there .

The English warbow is a lot more difficult to draw than the flatbows that are used by Mr Erickson, I'm sure a lot of archers who shoot the heavy English warbow could easily draw the bows to the draw length of Mr Erickson who is claiming to be the heaviest, however he has yet to show anybody the proof of his achievements.

Denny Erickson of Wisconsin is shooting 230 # Bows , now It does not matter what style it is , Its 230# !!! Its drawn all the way to his cheekbone 26 1/4 " Similar to the anchor Howard Hill used .

Denny Erickson is continuing to rebuild his strength after a serious head and neck injury , but is doing very well .

It is now confirmed that His Son Nikkolas will be taking up Archery as well , Who knows maybe Nikkolas will be stronger than his Father .

Denny Erickson Is Bringing a 200# Safari compound Bow to market called the VSM . Who will shoot it ? I do not know , Maybe his son .

Archery has many styles and forms to which the shooting of the ELB is only one and is completely Different from anything else and Mr. Erickson is not trying to shoot ELB's nor would he want to shoot them .

Mr . Erickson Shoots a 230# flat bow as the English call them , and its 230# AT 27"

Mr. Ericksons bows gain 10-15 lbs per inch past that and its doubtful that any englishman could pull them regardless of what they are doing now .

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