Oh, for the love of units! A barrel is a unit of volume, and a metric tonne is a unit of weight. However, as given in Wikipedia for oil purposes, an approximate conversion is 1 tonne = 7.33 bbls. At 20 degrees API oil, the conversion is 1 tonne = 6.74 bbls and at 40 degrees, it would be 7.63 bbls. I used 1 tonne = 2204.6 pounds and the density of water = 62.4 lb/cu ft.
In making calculations for Deepwater Horizon, I think 1 tonne = 7.33 bbl is adequate.
1 barrel equal 31,5 gallons (USA).
1 meter = 3.2808399 feet.
1 MT PEtrol is equivalent to Liter
A standard cubic foot of natural gas has 1000 BTU. A Barrel of Oil equivalent has 5800000 BTU. It is 0.000172 BBL per cufic foot of gas.
1 t(US) = 0.907184 mt
1 mt = 1000 kg1 mt = 1000 kg1 mt = 1000 kg1 mt = 1000 kg1 mt = 1000 kg1 mt = 1000 kg
Rank Countries Amount (top to bottom) #1 United States: 20,730,000 bbl/day #2 China: 6,534,000 bbl/day #3 Japan: 5,578,000 bbl/day #4 Germany: 2,650,000 bbl/day #5 Russia: 2,500,000 bbl/day #6 India: 2,450,000 bbl/day #7 Canada: 2,294,000 bbl/day #8 Korea, South: 2,149,000 bbl/day #9 Brazil: 2,100,000 bbl/day US stands first
200-500 200-500
#1 Saudi Arabia (8,900,000 bbl/day) #2 Russia (5,080,000 bbl.day) #3 United Arab Emirates (2,540,000 bbl/day) #4 Iran (2,520,000 bbl/day) #5 Norway (2,500,000 bbl/day) #6 Canada (2,274,000 bbl/day) #7 Mexico (2,268,000 bbl/day) #8 Venezuela (2,203,000 bbl/day) #9 Kuwait (2,200,000 bbl/day) #10 Nigeria (2,141,000 bbl/day) The above statistics are from between 2004 and 2007. These values may currently be inaccurate due to the dates at which they were recorded.
1 mt = 1000 kg.
1 atom is in the chemical equation given.
$1 is equal to 50.6 rupees