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When a star goes supernova it releases a bursts of energy (which is also radioactive) that shoot out from the core. Gamma ray bursts have intense radiation and travel so quickly that if one were to hit earth we would get no warning until it hit us and everything would be vaporized. There is a dying star close to earth and right now at any moment it could go supernova and the worst part is its release of energy is aimed right at us. Gamma ray bursts also form when 2 neutron stars collide or when a neutron star collides with a black hole.

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Q: How do gamma ray bursts form?
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What is the biggest explosion in the universe?

Long Gamma ray bursts

Do Gamma ray burst form a black hole?

Gamma-ray bursts can be produced by the collapse of massive stars into black holes. When a star runs out of fuel and its core collapses, it can generate a gamma-ray burst before forming a black hole. So, gamma-ray bursts can be a precursor to black hole formation in certain cases.

Can gamma ray bursts occur on earth?

No, gamma ray bursts do not occur on Earth. They are extremely energetic explosions from distant sources in space, such as collapsing stars or merging neutron stars. If a gamma ray burst were to occur close to Earth, it could have devastating effects on our planet.

How often do gamma ray bursts explode?

Gamma ray bursts (GRBs) are relatively rare cosmic events. On average, about one GRB is detected each day in the observable universe. However, these events are unpredictable and can vary in frequency.

What is 1 discovery for the compton gamma ray?

The discovery of Compton scattering is the phenomenon where incoming gamma rays collide with electrons, resulting in a shift in the gamma ray's wavelength. This discovery helped confirm the wave-particle duality of light and demonstrated the particle nature of light.

What kinds of waves have the shortest wavelengths?

Gamma rays have the shortest wavelengths. Particularly those that form Gamma Ray Bursts, though to originate from outside our galaxy. Gamma Rays themselves have a frequency above 1019 Hertz.

What are two possible causes of gamma ray bursts?

neutron stars and black holes

How would you compare and contrast X-ray bursts and gamma ray bursts?

X-ray bursts are sudden increases in X-ray emission from compact objects like neutron stars, while gamma-ray bursts are the most energetic explosions in the universe, thought to originate from black hole formations or neutron star mergers. Both events release high-energy radiation, but gamma-ray bursts are significantly more powerful and can originate from more catastrophic astrophysical events.

Do gamma ray bursts emit light faster than the speed of light?

Gamma ray bursts emitting light! What is meant by this? Any way gamma ray coming out of a radioactive nucleus is also an electromagnetic radiation as light but with very much higher frequency. Gamma ray also travels with the same speed as light does. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, no radiation can travel with a velocity higher than that of light

What is gamma ray bursts?

A gamma ray burst results from an extremely energetic implosion/explosion, as in supernovae or hypernovae events, or the less likely possibility of the combination of 2 neutron stars.

What would happen to earth if it got hit by a gamma-ray burst?

Earth gets hit every day by gamma-ray bursts - from far, far away. Depending on how near the gamma-ray burst is, it may cause some serious damage.

What has the author Seth Digel written?

There is no known author named Seth Digel as of now.