They were less romantic and more explicit than music had been in the past.
He has made 20 songs threw the past years. HE HAS CO-WRITTEN ONLY A FEW. NONE ON HIS OWN.
Popular kids videos were made in the past that could be found on eBay and Amazon. These videos were called "Kids Songs," which contained many classic songs as well as songs that are somewhat educational.
Eminem has 304 songs no he has 246 you don't no do yall
The science writer reminds us that many past predictions have been wrong.
Trey Songz has written 303 songs in the past 6 years
The most successful hip hop song in the past 10 years has been Baby Got Back. This song has sold more albums than any other song that was released past the year 2000.
17 animals have been etinct in the past 200 years
two Bungle in the Jungle and Living in the Past
There are so many things that people of the past have dreamed of but never invented any failed invention is a thought of the past that hasn't been invented yet.