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Q: How many species of plant animals can be found in one square km of rain forest?
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What animals live in the cloud forest?

Animals that live in the cloud forest include species such as the spectacled bear, quetzal bird, mountain gorilla, and Andean condor. These animals have adapted to the cooler, moist conditions of the cloud forest and are often found in the canopy or understory layers of the forest ecosystem.

Why A large variety of animals species are found in equatorial forest because?

because there is lots of vegetation for food and is good for animal habitat...this is good for carnivore animals so they can find many animals in this forest to eat, for they would have not food if there wasn't vegetation for those animals to eat...

What kinds of plants and animals are found in rain forest?

all kinds of plants and animals live in and are found in the rain forest

Why are many animals found in forest?

animals are found in forests because forests are the natural habitat ? becauce they many foods in the forest

Is lion an endangered species?

The African lion is considered a threatened species, the Asiatic lion is endangered however, with only around 350 animals, all found in the Gir Forest of India.

What animals live in the black forest?

Some of the animals that live in the Black Forest in Germany include red deer, wild boar, European badgers, and foxes. There are also various bird species such as woodpeckers, owls, and jays found in the forest.

What animals are found in a forest?

They are forest dwelling animals and if they live in the trees themselves the term applied is arboreal.

What animals can be found in the rain forest?


What types of animals are found in the Temperate Forest?

Animals commonly found in temperate forests include deer, squirrels, rabbits, foxes, and a variety of bird species. Larger mammals like bears, wolves, and bobcats may also inhabit these forests. Additionally, various species of insects, amphibians, and reptiles play important roles in the ecosystem.


MY ANSWER IS forest Eighty percent of the world's known terrestrial plant and animal species can be found in forests, and tropical rainforests are home to more species than any other terrestrial habitat. But there are animals that are living in the jungle and there are animals that are living in the forest and the others are living with humans animals that live in jungles are jaguars, howler monkeys, tigers, and cobras. Elephants, rhinoceroses, water buffaloes, and black eagles

What types of animals live in the forest?

All type of animals are found in forests.

Where are the fewest species of animals found?
