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A great majority of the world's population would have to be killed.

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Q: In the US ecological footprint of each person is about 9.4 hectares. The Earth presently has 11.4 billion hectares of productive land and water. If everyone in the world lived at the same level of con?
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Does global warming affect everyone even if they dont have a footprint?

Yes Global Warming affects everyone even if they dont have a footprint .

How does your ecological footprint affect earth?

It doesn't, the ecological footprint is a calculation of how hard you affect earth. Someone with a larger ecological footprint affects the Earth much more than someone with a smaller footprint because they use more of Earth's resources to maintain their lifestyle. Luckely everyone's ecological footprint is different, because if everyone would affect the Earth as much as anyone in The west, the Earth would only be able to sustain 1 billion people, and were with 7 times more than that ;).

Is something almost everyone can do reduce his or her carbon footprint?

Do not waste water.

If everyone had a footprint the size of the average US citizen it would take five planets to support everyone?

No, they would only need 1.2 planets.

Is a carbon footprint good for you?

No, a carbon footprint (the amount of carbon emissions we are responsible for) is not good for you, or the earth. Unfortunately, just about everyone has a carbon footprint, some much bigger than others. We should try to make our personal one as small as possible. While we wait for governments to act we can do our own bit to slow climate change.This video about climate change explains the concept of carbon footprint.

Do you think Productivity is higher in unionized workplace?

Yes! If everyone is working in unison, you should be more productive.

What is one productive resource that all people own regardless of their wealth?

One productive resource that all people own regardless of their wealth is time. Everyone has been given time in equal measure.

How reliable are ecological footprint calculators?

Ecological footprint calculators can provide a rough estimate of an individual's impact on the environment. However, they may not account for all aspects of a person's lifestyle or regional differences, so their results should be taken as a general guideline rather than an exact measurement. It's important to consider other factors beyond just the footprint calculation when evaluating environmental impact.

The production possibilities curve illustrates the basic principle that?

everyone has a possibility of being productive but most likely nothing will get done.

What are the voting rights in Burma?

In Burma not everyone has the right to vote. However, the climate is changing somewhat and the future, presently, looks fairly good.

What do catholics thinks about china's ecological problems?

Catholics are pretty much like everyone else when it comes to china... we want to get out of debt!!!

Embittered in a sentence?

When the supervisor shortened everyone's break by 10 minutes, he had a bunch of very disgruntled employees.