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Giant Pandas have very few predators. Humans are their primary predators, though animals such as leopards are also predators mostly of cubs. The largest threat to them though is not predators, but habitat loss.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

the humans are starting to cut down trees or habitat

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Q: What are the pandas threats?
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What are some threats to pandas?


What threats the pandas?

the humans are starting to cut down trees or habitat

What are Pandas threats?

dont know why who is they main threat please tell me

What the pandas emenies?

Humans are pandas number one enemy. Habitat loss caused by logging poses the greatest threats to giant pandas. Pandas eat almost nothing but bamboo shoots and leaves from the forests of southwestern China. Unfortunately, much of their forest has been cut down for development. As people farm, log, and develop land higher up the mountain, the pandas' habitat continues to shrink. Poachers hunt giant pandas for their pelts. Sometimes leopards will kill panda cubs.

What is the pandas life spam?

In the wild, pandas typically live for about 20 years. However, pandas in captivity have been known to live up to 30 years or more due to better medical care and protection from threats.

What animal kills giant pandas?

The main threats to giant pandas come from humans, including habitat destruction, poaching, and climate change. In the wild, predators such as leopards and jackals may predate on panda cubs, but adult giant pandas do not have many natural predators due to their large size and bamboo-based diet.

What is a pands life spand?

The lifespan of a panda in the wild is typically around 20 years, but they can live up to 30 years in captivity. Pandas in the wild face threats such as habitat loss and poaching which affect their lifespan. Conservation efforts are in place to help protect and increase the population of pandas in the wild.

What are the main threats to a pandas survival?

Giant Pandas are endangered primarily from habitat loss and from the fact that they have a very low birthrate. China has put increasing pressure on their habitat in the last century from population growth and land use changes. Also, they have traditionally been poached, primarily for their fur and skin.

What is the possessive of pandas?

The possessive form of the plural noun pandas is pandas'.Example: Development by people is encroaching on the pandas' habitat.

Why giant panda is endangered?

Giant pandas are endangered due to habitat loss, mainly from deforestation and fragmentation of their bamboo forest homes. They also face threats from poaching and low reproductive rates. Conservation efforts are being made to protect and restore panda habitats to help increase their population numbers.

What are pandas species?

red pandas and giant pandas

Are red pandas a panda at all?

Technically, yes red pandas are pandas. In fact they were the very first pandas. The other pandas were named after it.