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Q: What dimension of a circle is always smaller?
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What dimension of a circle is always smaller than the other two?

The Radius is always smaller.The Radius is half the Diameter.The Diameter is one third (one pi-th) of the Circumference.cuz you dumb and i'm notWhich of the following dimension of a circle is always smaller than the other two?i think it is the circumferencenot is not correct the correct awnser is the radius

Which dimensions of a circle is always smaller than the other two?

The radius of a circle is always smaller than the diameter and the circumference.

How do you find voulme of a circle?

A circle being a two dimensional object has zero length in the third dimension so its volume is always zero.

What is the chord of a circle that is always smaller?

There is no chord that is always smaller since, in the limit, the chord reaches a single point on the circumference - when it it is no longer a chord!

What is the fractal dimension of an hollow circle?

A hollow circle is not a fractal.

Did a circle has dimension?


Is the diameter of the circle always greater than the radius of the circle?

No, only if the diameter is bigger than the radius is the radius smaller than the diameter.

Is the radius of a circle is always smaller than the diameter?

Yes. The radius is one-half of the diameter.

What does a 11x12mm circle look like?

You don't have to worry about recognizing it when you see it, since there's no such thing as a circle with two different dimensions. Every outer dimension of a circle is the same number. No matter how you rotate a circle before you close it in a vice, the vice is always open to the 'diameter' of the circle ... a constant number for a circle.

Is the width is the largest dimension of an object?

By convention width is the smaller dimension of a rectangle; however, it does not need to be - particularly when talking about rectangular windows, the width can be more or less than the height, making it the larger or smaller (as appropriate) dimension.

What is Dimension of mass in gravitational constant?

The dimension of mass is always [M].

How many dimension does a circle have?

It has two which are its circumference and its diameter