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subject that is at the beginning of the sentence

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Q: What is a natural order?
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What is transpose order and natural order?

Natural order : the subject comes before the predicateTransposed order : the subject goes after the predicate

When was The Natural Order created?

The Natural Order was created on 2009-04-30.

When was The Natural Order of Things created?

The Natural Order of Things was created on 2009-03-12.

When was On the natural order of plants called Proteaceae created?

On the natural order of plants called Proteaceae was created in 1810.

When was On the cultivation of the plants belonging to the natural order of Proteeae created?

On the cultivation of the plants belonging to the natural order of Proteeae was created in 1809.

What is the meaning of transposed order and natural order?

Transposed order refers to rearranging the order of elements in a sequence or set. Natural order, on the other hand, refers to the original or default order of elements in a sequence or set, without any rearrangement.

What does a natural region includes?

A natural region must include a plateau in order to be considered a natural region.

What is reverse order?

Opposite to what is considered natural order. for example: 9876543210 or ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA

Give examples of Natural order and Transposed order of a sentence?

i will dance later.

What is inverted syntax?

When the order of the words are changed. Reversed the natural order of the words.

Which Chinese philosophy believes that the natural order is more importanat than the social order?

Taoism believes that the natural order, "Tao," is more important than the social order. Taoism emphasizes living in harmony with the natural flow of life and the universe rather than trying to control or manipulate it.

Differentiate sentence in a transposed order and in natural order?

Natural order : the subject comes before the predicate Transposed order : the subject goes after the predicate Example: The king's vast kingdom is over there. --Natural complete subject - complete predicate Over there is the king's vast kingdom. complete predicate - complete subject --Transposed