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Well first off sanctuary cities allow illegal immigrants to live in the city, pretty much undocumented, if I'm not mistaken. Aside from that many cities have adopted this law like thing called "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," where local police officers are not allowed to quesiton Immigration status unless they are actually committing a crime in sanctuary cities. So it kind of makes it hard for the whole terrorist watch to work out. The ILLEGAL immigrants are also able to gain rights that we as citzens work for, such as government support. This is a pretty good website with alot of negative info

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sanctuary (n)(Rel) santuario m(fig) (=refuge) asilo m ,(for wildlife) reserva fto seek sanctuary acogerse a sagradoto seek sanctuary in refugiarse ento seek sanctuary with acogerse a

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The word sanctuary is a noun. The plural form is sanctuaries.

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