Water is measured in Cups, Pints, Quarts and Gallons in the US.
In countries using the Metric System, its measured in Liters or fractional liters.
The best unit of measure to use when measuring the amount of water in a drinking glass is ounces. A liquid measuring cup can be used to measure the ounces of water.
The units used for pollution are the same we use in our daily day routines. We could use the expression calcium carbonate in milligrams per liter. So there is no specific unit for measuring water pollution.
There are no units for measuring the use of temperature.
Measuring cup
2 ml
The best unit is a litre.
A millilitre.
square of binomial
Fathom is the unit for measuring height of a mountain depth of water hardness of a substance velocity of an object none above
The appropriate unit for weight is a Newton.