

Best Answer

Answer: Well some kids just bother people cuz they think its cool and funny just to show off to there hommies and others but i would just ignore and walk away or tell the teacher or the princeable or maybe your parents ... but the best way to tell the bully to stop is '' Look only god can judge me im perfect the way i am so lay off'' ... You'll thank me someday sweetie ♥ hope yall take my advice ♥

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why Do Kids Get Bullied?: Becuz Those Jerks Thinks those kids are losers but you really shouldnt listen to them your perfect and awesome just the way you are (; ----------------------------------------------------------- Answer I went to school in the 1950s and there was even bullying then, but certainly not as bad as it is today. Bullying is a heavy duty problem in the school systems and needs to be stopped. Bullying has caused children to live in fear of being at school, accepted for who they are, walking to and from school and this can lead to the victim running away, grades failing, unfortunately suicide in some kids and as we all know about Columbine we sure should learn from this. Most shootings at school are about kids that have been bullied one too many time. Of course this is not the normal reaction a victim should have, but it does happen. Girls bullying are ranking almost kneck-in-kneck with the boys!

I want you to know that most people are bullied more than once in their lifetime. It's certainly not uncommon. If you can walk away from the situation then do so. If you can't do the best you can and if the bully is carrying a weapon run as fast as you can to any house and bang on the door or run into a store for help. Try to stay with groups of kids instead of wandering around alone. Bullies look for kids who are small in stature, quiet, shy and will simply pick on them for the sake of it or because they could be smart or the bully doesn't like the look of them. It is said that if a bully comes towards you walk tall, stare straight ahead (not at the bully) DON'T LOWER YOUR HEAD and say nothing! Sometimes this method works and sometimes it doesn't.

It is tough on kids today to report bullies to their counselor or teachers at school and especially their parents because reporting a bully always gets back to the bully and things can become worse for the victim (even the bullie's gang can come after the victim.) Parents need to take this very seriously. The bullies of today just don't give you a black eye or split lip, but they can maime a victim severely and it can lead to death in some cases.

Not too long ago a gay man in Vancouver, B.C., had gone to a straight bar and simply had a drink. A group of bullies didn't particularly like a gay in the bar and followed the victim out the door and beat him to death. British Columbia has a zero tolerance for this behavior and the law comes down heavy on bullies and it should be this way. The educational system is also picking up the pace.

Some people list "bullying" as pecking order related. Meaning the stronger survive and the weaker lag behind. I disagree with this theory and find bullies are simply bullies and must be stopped! If bullies were so fearless and strong then they wouldn't be picking on the smaller kids or the kids they know won't fight back. In Canada bullying is taken seriously and society and government is making the parents more accountable for their bullying children. It's quite surprising what one can find out about a bully:

Bullies are frustrated individuals that are angry inside. They may come from split-up homes, to abusive parents or no parents at all or parents that don't care and simply let the bully run wild in the streets. I was quite surprised that some fathers will belittle their sons (especially) by saying, "There are only winners in this world, not losers" or, "quit being a baby and stand up for yourself. Get the first punch in! Do what you have to do to win!!!" Apparentely some fathers feel winning is everything and in 50% of these fathers have indeed failed miserably in their own lives and are living through their son(s). Some fathers were jocks or over-achievers and expect their children (especially sons) to be the same.

When I was 12 years old there was a bully that picked on all of us smaller kids (I am a girl) and I was terrified of him. He was 3 years older than me and of course about 60 lbs. heavier. He would punch me on the arm, steal my bike, pull my hair and threaten if I told my parents he would finish me off. I never did tell my parents and often got heck for "losing my bike." I put up with this terror for 2 years. I would often walk with a group of my girlfriends which seemed to help, but every so often this big bully would find me walking to the store or to school. My brother was 5 years old at the time and my mother told me to take my brother with me and walk 2 blocks to the corner store for milk. I dreaded it, but, of course had to do as my mother said and she knew nothing about the bully. Sure enough, just out of sight of my parent's house out came the bully and pushed me to the sidewalk. I laid still on that sidewalk and was terrified. Suddenly a chubby little 5 year old flew through the air and bit this bully right on the leg like a rabid dog! LOL I was stunned and then this bully made the biggest mistake of his life ... he kicked my brother over on the grass and he hurt himself. I don't know what came over me, but I was going to get this bully or die trying. I hardly remember what I was doing, but the long and short of it is, I gave him a black eye, split his lip and was screaming curse words a sailor would have blushed at (all those pent up emotions coming through) and it took the lady from the store to get me off of this bully. Every day after I saw that bully I would shake my fist at him and he steered clear of me. Odd, but it took him picking on someone I loved to get me to act on it. Ever since that day I have not been afraid of anyone, but, I am smart and know when to stay clear of troublesome people or places and don't take any risks I don't have too.


Depends on the reason, but generally kids get bullied because the kid may have done something wrong to the kid that was met before. There may be a problem with the bully or the targeted kid either way.


Bullying is sadly a global problem. In many cases those who bully others have problems thst stem from poor parental, outright neglect or have taught their children to uderage and violence to handle roblems. Children may just see this behvior as acceptable. Many young ones who are in pain just want to lash out and dish it out. They get what they want, power, status and attention. Each time a bully picks on someone his power is enforced. So intervention is crucial if someone is bullying or has been bullied. Parents, school teachers and administrators as well as the police have to be contacted. Awake magazine article on bullying

a global problem

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they get bulled because they want them self's to look good in front other kids, but it just makes them feel trouble.

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All people in the world are bullied at least once in their lifetime. It's hard to believe, I know, but even the bullies are bullied by bullies that are bullied and so on. That explains perhaps why they are so horrible to others.

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about only 10% not many kids say anything about getting bullied

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There's no exact data on how many kids get bullied in a year but according to a research around 180,000 kids stay home every day from school to avoid being bullied which is very sad👎

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Anyone can get bullied. Kids, teens and even adults. If you don't want to get bullied you should be kind and stand your ground.