Statistically speaking, approximately 0.274% of the world's population is born on January 24th. With the current global population estimated at around 7.9 billion people, this would mean roughly 21.6 million individuals share this birthdate. It's important to note that these figures are based on averages and may vary slightly due to factors like birth rates and population growth.
On any given day, approximately 15 million people celebrate their birthdays around the world. This is an average calculated based on global birth rates.
The odds of having a birthday on a certain day of the year other than February 29 is about 1 in 365.25, which is about 0.274%. 0.274% of the world population, today's estimate of which is 7,050,566,000, is about 19.3 million people.
December 25th is considered the least popular birthday, as many people avoid scheduling births on holidays like Christmas.
today there are 6 billion people living in the world
How many people in the world practice Buddhism?
How many people have the birthday of March 23 in the world?
A person shares their birthday with at least nine million different people around the world.
There is many many people in this world more than 100 billion people its hard to imangine all them people but its true. So infact there is a birthday everyday
At least 100 all over the world.
estimating about 5000
On average, in the entire world about twenty eight thousand people will have the same birthday as one another. In a room full of people, there should be two people who have the same birthday.
It must be about 360,000 - the approximate number of world births per dayit is estematet to be that 150 million or billion(i cant remember) people share your birthday
Roughly 16.4 million.
The Birthday of the World has 362 pages.
uhh, alot?
70,000 people die on their birthday
3 people that I know have th same birthday as me.