The ratio of women to men is 8:19. The quotient of women to men is 8/19. The percentage of women in the class is 30.8%.
As of 2021, the approximate ratio of women to men in Denver, Colorado is close to 1:1, with slightly more women than men. This ratio can vary slightly based on age groups, but overall, the city has a relatively balanced gender distribution.
As of the latest data available, the ratio of single women to single men in Eureka, CA is approximately 1.05 women for every 1 man. This ratio can vary slightly depending on the source and methodology used for the calculation.
As of current estimates, there are slightly more men than women on Earth, with the global sex ratio being approximately 101 males for every 100 females. However, these ratios can vary by region and age group due to factors such as migration patterns and gender-specific health issues.
The gender ratio in Alaska is slightly skewed towards men, with roughly 52% male and 48% female population distribution.
what is the ratio of women to men in California?
its about 75 men for 100 women
The ratio of men and women in the university of Oregon can be find out by :Number of men in the University of oregon.number of women in the university of oregon.Then , dividing the number of men : number of women.
what is the ratio of women to men in California?
I believe the ratio is 4 women to 1 man
The ratio of women to men is 8:19. The quotient of women to men is 8/19. The percentage of women in the class is 30.8%.
Estimates for the ratio of men to women, aged 15 or more, in 2014 in Zambia is 0.99 to 1.
Las Vegas is said to have the greatest men to women ratio.
According to the US Census Bureau estimates for 2012, the ratio was 108.9 men to 100 women.
every 100 men is equal to 98 women
The 2014 estimates are 986 women: 1000 men.