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A graph shows the movement of one or a couple items. A chart shows the end result and comparison of items.

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9mo ago

A graph typically represents quantitative data using points, lines, or bars, while a chart is a visual representation of data that can include graphs, tables, or diagrams. Graphs are used to show relationships or trends in data, while charts are more general tools for visualizing information.

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Q: The difference between graph and chart?
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Difference between bar chart and bar graph?


What is the difference between a diagram and a graph?

The difference between a graph and a diagram is as follows: a diagram is a chart which shows a drawing and a graph is a graph with lines or bars indicating something specific in numbers.

What is the difference between a pie chart and a bar graph?

A pie chart is round, and a bar graph is square with the bars running either horizontal or verticle.

What is the difference between a bar graph and a tally chart?

The only thing that is dirffrent about the two graphics are the formation of them

What is the difference between bar graph and double bar graph?

A double bar graph shows two sets f data in one chart. A bar graph just shows one.

Is there a difference between a bar graph and a double bar graph?

A double bar graph plots two sets of data on a single chart, whereas a bar graph plots just one.

How a bar graph is different form a chart?

a bar graph is a graph and a chart is a chart

What is the difference between bar chart and line chart?

A bar graph is for measuring discontinuous data, for example 'What colour eyes do people in this room have'? This would be a bar chart (number on the y axis and eye colours on the x)A line graph is for measuring continuous data, like temperature, for example.

How does a bar graph differ from a chart?

A bar graph IS a chart.A bar graph IS a chart.A bar graph IS a chart.A bar graph IS a chart.

What the difference a graph and a chart?

The difference lies in the usage of the words. For example a graph is used in math, and charts are simply a way to represent different types of data.

What is the difference between maps charts and graphs?

A map shows a direction or lets say a map to route 66. A chart is a piece of equipment that you use to compare data. A graph is kinda like a chart

What is the difference between a pictograph and a picture graph?

pictograph is a visual representation of numeric data; all the quantity would be represented in this graph. where as a picturegraph is a graph showing comparision of quantities with the help of a picture for ex. bar chart, pie etc.