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Armament race: buliding dreadnoughts, building armies and developing weapons. weapons: fight aircraft, zeppelin, poison gas, tank, dreadnough.

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10mo ago

During World War 1, people fought as soldiers on the front lines, worked in factories to produce weapons and supplies, served as nurses and medical personnel, volunteered for relief organizations, contributed to war Propaganda efforts, and endured food and resource rationing on the home front.

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What is Remembrance Sunday?

A day where people remember everyone that died in World War 1. A day where people remember everyone that died in World War 1. A day where people remember everyone that died in World War 1.

What did cooks do during World War I?

They cooked for the people at World War 1

Did they have good homes in World War I?

no people were not rich in world war 1

What people fought in world war 1?


How many people where in world war 1?

To symbolise the men who died for us in World War 1

Did more people die in WW1 than World War 2?

No, many more people died in World War 2 than world war 1. It is estimated that 16 million people died in World War 1, and around 60 million in World War 2.World War II was no where near as violent as World War I, but yes, more people died in World War II.

Why did people have to die in World War 1?

Because it was a WAR

Were people tortured during World War 1?

Some people were indeed tortured during World War 1. These people were typically prisoners of war that were held captive for ransom and incentives.

How many people where killed in world war 1?

To symbolise the men who died for us in World War 1

Did people want world war2 after world war 1?


How many people went to World War 1 World War 2?

Alot of people use your history books!