Shanghai has a population of over 20 million. Approximately 17 million permanent residents and more than 3 million temporary residents. Beijing is the second most populous city in China.
Wikipedia lists:
1. Shanghai
2. Mumbai
3. Karachi
4. Delhi
5. Instanbul
n.b. Tokyo is #10, Cairo #24 and Mexico #11
However there are many different ways to calculate the population of cities so not everyone is in agreement.
As of 2021, the world's most populated city is Tokyo, Japan, with an estimated population of over 37 million people in the metropolitan area. It is known for its dense population, bustling urban life, and vibrant culture.
London is the most populated city in the UK, with a population of around 9 million people.
Tokyo, Japan is currently the world's most populated urban center, with a metropolitan area population of over 37 million people. It is a vibrant and densely populated city known for its modern technology, fashion, and cultural attractions.
Omaha is the most populated city in Nebraska, with a population of over 400,000 residents.
Santa Ana is the most populated city in Orange County, California. It is the county seat and has a diverse population with a variety of cultural influences.
Tokyo, Japan is the world's most populated city that lies on a longitude of 140.
Yes, China is the worlds most populated country with a population of 1.3 billion.
As of 2021, the world's most populated city is Tokyo, Japan, with an estimated population of over 37 million people in the metropolitan area. It is known for its dense population, bustling urban life, and vibrant culture.
In terms of population density: Most densely-populated city: Manila, the Philippines In terms of total population: Most populated city: Shanghai, China Most crowded urban area: Tokyo, Japan
Pitcairn Islands
human beans
Aleppo is the most populated city in Syria.
The second most populated city in Missouri is St. Louis with a population of 319,294. Kansas City is the most populated city in Missouri.
It is the 4th largest US City by population.
The most populated city in Egypt is Cairo with an estimated 7,734,614 people. The second most populated city is Alexandria and the third is Giza.
Turkey is a country, not a city. Istanbul is a densely populated city, but most of Anatolia is sparsely populated.