There are approx. 84 miles between Chicago, IL and Rockford, IL.
About 85
The sales tax in Rockford, IL is 8.25%.
It is 88.8 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 88.8 miles according to Google Maps.
Joliet, IL is in a southeast direction from Rockford, IL.
Approximately 830 miles from Philadelphia, PA. to Rockford, Il.
It is 134 miles according to Google Maps.
The address of the Rockford Aquarium is: 3616 Stubai Trail, Rockford, IL 61114
I would like information of Skandia furniture of Rockford Il Thank you, M I would like information of Skandia furniture of Rockford Il Thank you, M
217 miles taking this route:Take I-74 WEST to I-39 NORTH to ROCKFORD. Follow signs.Take I-39 NORTH to Rockford.
It will take 14 hours and 46 minutes to drive from Rockford, IL to Atlanta, GA.