House dimensions are measured in Square Feet.
How many square feet are in a house depends on the size and the layout of the house. For example, many houses do not have equal footage of all outside walls. Also, square footage of each room is smaller that the footage of outside walls, to subtract for walls, fireplaces, etc.
Also, any outdoor additions (porches, patios) are not counted in sq. footage of the house.
261,369 Square Feet
1,600 square feet
A house that is 46 feet x 48 feet would be 2207 ft2
23,000 square feet is 0.53 acres.
How many feet high is the house? The basketball player was over seven feet tall.
6,ooo square feet
You have to multiply the two dimensions to get the area. In this case the answer will be 768 square feet.
126 square meters is 1,356.3 square feet.
106 metre2 = 1141 sq feet.
480 metre2 = 5167 sq feet
The White House has 55,000 sq. ft. of floor space.