You can find old tests through the study guides. The teacher might also be willing to give you some old tests to help you to prepare.
I'm in AP Statistics and if you co to and go to the AP section and click on AP Statistics there are all the free response questions from the previous 10 years AP tests.
What is the answer
To receive help with the AP statistics investigative task answers for chapter 21 it is best to contact the instructor. This will insure that the correct methods for solving the problems is given. There are not any answers available online for this.
You can get the answers to your quiz in a lot of places. One being your notes that you took during the class.
Answers to the 2007 AP U.S. History multiple choice questions are not given online. People need to study the textbooks for the answers.
I'm in AP Statistics and if you co to and go to the AP section and click on AP Statistics there are all the free response questions from the previous 10 years AP tests.
AP Statistics is in fact college level , high school statistics course. It is the equivalent of one semester and is normally offered to juniors and seniors in a high school.
take both
No, AP Calculus is a far more difficult course.
The collegeboard website has a store where you can buy any of the released old AP exams. I'm not sure where you can do it for free.
What is the answer
There are some ways to get extra credit for AP Statistics that will benefit the rest of the class. You can do some essays and do extra classes.
Advanced Placement Statistics is a college level course offered in high schools in the United States. Many students study for the AP Statistics test 9B by using answer keys that previous test takers have created.
An extra credit idea for AP Statistics which benefits the whole class is students researching a specific concept and presenting the concept to the class.