First, we must read this fraction (87/150) like this to fully understand how it:
87 divided by 150 equals what? This will allow you to set it up in a division problem to get a decimal.
So, lets do it on a calculator to find the decimal. Type [8][7][/][1][5][0] and solve.
This will give you 0.58
Now multiply that by 100% to get your answer in percent form.
The answer is 58%
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Expressed as a percentage, 95/150 x 100 = 63.3 recurring (that is, 63.3333..) percent.
The percent increase from 50 to 150 is: 200%
3 over 150 as a percent = 2%% rate:= 3/150 * 100%= 0.02 * 100%= 2%
10% of 150 gb = 15 gb
58% of 150 = 87 (150 / 100 x 58 = 87)
It is: 58%
It is: 87/200 = 43.5%
85.7 percent but, rounding out off is about 86% or 87%. i changed the anwers to fractions and subtraceted,thus getting my answer.
A percent is that number over 100. Thus 87% can be rewritten as the fraction 87/100. If this is worked out as a division, it can be converted to the decimal 0.87.
87/100 as a percent = 87%
Percent mean over 100, so 150% = 150 over 100, which can be simplified down by dividing both by 50 150/50 = 3 100/50 = 2 150% = 3/2 (3 over 2)