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Q: A discrete variable may assume fractional or decimal values but they must have distance between them?
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What is the difference between discrete signal and digital signal?

discrete signal varies on the independent variable scale (example time scale) digital signal varies on the dependent variable scale as well

Is hair color a discrete or continuous variable?

It is continuous, since there are unlimited numbers of shades between blonde, red, brown, and black.

What type of data has an infinite number of points between each measurement?

I think you are going for continuous variable, as compared with discrete variables.

What is the difference between discrete and cumulative distributions?

A discrete distribution is one in which the random variable can take only a limited number of values. A cumulative distribution, which can be discrete of continuous, is the sum (if discrete) or integral (if continuous) of the probabilities of all events for which the random variable is less than or equal to the given value.

Difference between continuous and discrete variables?

Continuous variable is one like temperature, and discrete variable are ones like male and female. So if you are looking at temperatures between 90 and 100 degrees, there is an infinite number of them. Say between 99 and 99.1, we have 99.05 and between that and 99 we have 99.005 etc. The variable is continuous because it can take on any value between 90 and 100. But if you are talking about gender, than it is either male of female and not continuous. Having said all this, now we define a continuous variable A continuous is one for which, within the limits the variable ranges, any value is possible. So what about time? If the variable is how long it take to read this answer, is that discrete? NO, it is continuous. A five point scale is an example of a discrete variable.

What is meant by discrete random variable?

A discrete random variable is a variable that can only take some selected values. The values that it can take may be infinite in number (eg the counting numbers), but unlike a continuous random variable, it cannot take any value in between valid results.

What is the difference between continuous and discontinuous and discrete variables?

A continuous variable is a variable for which all possible representations are valid. A discrete variable is a variable for which only some representations are valid. Discontinuous variables apply to data sets where values recorded during particular periods are missing from the set.

What does discrete mean in algebra?

In basic algebra a discrete variable is one that can only take on specific set of values. For example, if we were to say that X can only take on a whole value between 1 and 10, then X would be a discrete variable. On the other hand, a continuous variable is one that can take on an unlimited number of values. For example, if we were to say X can take on ANY value between 1 and 10, then X is called a continious variable. The important thing to note is that the range of a variable (the min and max values it can take) is different than whether it is discrete or continuous. Discrete only implies a fixed (and known) set of values is possible for a variable

Is the number of pregnancies a woman has had an example of discrete or continuous variable?

Discrete. You can't have 1.5 pregnancies. Or anything between 1 or 2. If you have had 1, your next is 2.

Is population a continuous variable?

No, it is a discrete variable. Since there are no fractional people, a count of people can only be a positive integer. For a variable to be continuous, it must be able to take on *any* real value in a domain. So, if populations could take on any real value, including rational and irrational ones, between 1 and say 10^12, including ones like 6.1385391..., then population would be a continuous variable.

What is the difference between a discrete and continuous random variable?

· A variable whose values are determined by the outcomes of a random experiment is called a random variable. A random variable is a discrete random variable if it can assume values, which are finite or countable infinite. For example, tossing of a die is a random experiment and its outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are discrete random variable. When a coin is tossed, its outcomes head and tail are discrete random variable. Three coins are thrown; the number of heads is example of discrete random variable. Note that the outcomes need ot be integers or even numbers (eg colour of eyes). · If a random variable can assume every possible value in an interval [a, b], a< b, where a and b may be - infinity and + infinity respectively, for example, the points on number line between 0 and 1; Value of 'x' between 0 and 2; Number of heads on a coin when it is tossed infinite times.