

Best Answer

Reddish peach book (authors: Joyce Heller, Lenore Lerer, and others) answers

Section 1 sample examination 1

1. For the years 1950-1980… A

2. A

3. C

4. D

5. B

6. C

7. B

8. E

9. C

10. E

11. E

12. D

13. B

14. C

15. E

16. D

17. D

18. B

19. B

20. E

21. B

22. C

23. C

24. B

25. D

26. E

27. C

28. B

29. B

30. C

31. D

32. C

33. E

34. D

35. B

36. C

37. D

38. B

39. C

40. A student was interested in the relationship… D

Sample examination 2

1. Creating a sample of students by starting… D

2. D

3. B

4. A

5. B

6. B

7. B

8. B

9. C

10. E

11. E

12. A

13. A

14. D

15. E

16. E

17. D

18. B

19. B

20. D

21. D

22. D

23. A

24. B

25. C

26. B

27. C

28. C

29. E

30. E

31. D

32. B

33. C

34. D

35. D

36. D

37. A

38. C

39. D

40. C

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