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No, about 1% percent of tornadoes are rated as violent EF4 or EF5).

About 75-80% of tornadoes are rated as weak (EF0 or EF1).

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Q: Are 50 percent of tornadoes considered violent?
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Is there a new law in california for prisoners getting 35 instead of 50 Non violent crime?

There is no law in California that requires prisoners to get 35 percent instead of 50 percent for Non violent crimes but just a move to de-congest the prisons.

Why does Over 50 percent of all tornadoes in the US take place in the spring?

for a tornadoe you need rising warm air and rotating cool air

Can North Carolina have tornadoes?

Yes, North Carolina can experience tornadoes. The state is located in a region known as Tornado Alley and is susceptible to severe weather outbreaks, including tornadoes, especially during the spring and summer months. Residents should stay informed and have a safety plan in place in case of tornado warnings.

Are there tornadoes in all 50 states?

Yes, tornadoes can occur in all 50 states in the United States. However, some states, like Oklahoma and Texas, experience a higher frequency of tornadoes due to their geography and climate.

What are some states that experiences tornadoes?

All 50 states have experience tornadoes.

How big are most tornadoes?

Most tornadoes are 50 to 100 yards wide.

Does washindton state have tornadoes?

Yes. All 50 states have reported tornadoes.

How often do tornadoes occur in England?

England gets about 50 tornadoes a year

Are tornadoes big?

In meteorological terms, no. Though they may be considered large by human standards. The average tornado is 50 yards (150 feet) wide. Tornadoes under 10 yards occurs as well. Some tornadoes can be over a mile wide, but this is still considered microscale in meteorology. The largest tornado ever recorded was 2.6 miles wide.

What is 50 percent of 50?

50 percent of 50 is 25

How many states have had tornadoes?

All 50 states in the United States have experienced tornadoes. However, the frequency and severity of tornadoes vary by region, with states in the central part of the country known as Tornado Alley experiencing more tornadoes on average.

What states from the US do tornadoes happen in?

Tornadoes have ocurred in all 50 U.S. states.