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They are independent, because the probability of the first event does not affect the probability of the second event.

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Q: Are these events dependent or independent You draw a card replace it then draw another card?
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Two events are said to be independent if the outcome of one event does not affect the outcome of the other. Their probabilities are independent probabilities. If the events are not independent then they are dependent.

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Whether the events are independent or dependent, whether or not they are mutually exclusive.

What is an event in mathematics?

An Event is a set of outcomes in a given expirament say, were talking about independent events, that's when event a does NOT effect event b. where as if we were talking about dependent events event a DOES effect event b. Independent event example - A teacher draws a name out of a hat, then puts it back, then draws another name. dependent event example- a teacher draws a name and DOES NOT put it back. and chooses another.

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