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The answer is 24 shells

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Q: Bag of shells that can be divided equally among 2 3 4 6 or 8 friends what is the least number of shells that can be in the bag?
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Why is electron shielding not a factor when you examine a trend across a period?

Electron shielding is not a factor across a period because they all have the same number of electron shells! No further (extra) shells means that they are all affected by electron shielding equally.

What are elements of a group that has the same number of shells?

The elements in a group do not have the same number of shells, however, the elements in a horizontal row do have the same number of shells.

How many shells exists in an atom and what are the names of that shells?

The number of shells varies. The row number of the element is the number of shells. They don't really have names, but they're referred to by how many levels they are away from the nucleus.

What is the number of shells of livermorium?

Livermorium has 7 electron shells.

What is the number of shells neptunium has?

Neptunium has seven electron shells.

What part on periodic table shows number of shells of nucleus of atom?

The period number is equal to the number of shells. Periods are the horizontal rows on the periodic table. The number of shells increases down a group.

Are the amount of electric shells the group number?

No, The group number tells you the number of valence electrons, in general. The number of shells is given by the period.

What is the value of n for the valence shells of as?

The value of 'n' for the valence shells is the number of shells that specific atom has

How many electron shells do noble gases have?

The number of electron shells depends on the noble gas. The number of shells will be equal to the period in which the noble gas is present.

What is the number of electron shells in samarium?

Samarium has six electron shells.

What is the correct number of shells neptunium the element has?

Neptunium has 7 electron shells.

What define period of the periodic table?

The number of shells define the period. The elements of the same group has same number of shells.