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Statistically speaking, No.

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Q: Can you trust all statistics
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What has the author Claire Evans written?

Claire Evans has written: 'Statistics you can trust?'

Explain numerical statements of facts that are not statistics?

all statistics are numerical statement but all numerical statement s of are not statistics explain

Why it is said all statistics are data but all data are not statistics?

All statistics are data because all statistics are formed of numbers and numbers are a type of data (numrical). But not all data is statistics because not all data is numbers, it can also be words, pictures etc. It's like saying all apples are fruit but all fruit are not apples.

Is Holmes air purifier a trust worthy brand?

Holmes air purifier is a trust worthy brand. According to Consumer Report, in 2009 Holmes and Honeywell made up about 40% of all portable and console units. These statistics made them the largest brands for air purifiers.

What are some uses of statistics in your life?

statistics is used in all aspect of life. so which ever one human finds himself it is alwayz beter to give it a name examples are agricultural statistics, insurance statistics, actuarial statistics,educational statistics,financial statistics etc

How prevalent is the disease in the population statistics?

we all no it we all no it

How prevalent is the disease in the population include statistics?

we all no it we all no it

What is the importance of statistics in all sciences?

Statistics can be used to compare and contrast trends, similarities and differences in data.

How can you access the current statistics of the Republic of Ireland?

The best place for statistics on the Republic of Ireland is the Central Statistics Office. There are all sorts of statistics on their website and it is being continually updated. A link to the website is below.

Can you use trust in a sentence?

In God we trust -all others pay cash! How can I trust your answers? Trust me.

What is an irrivocable trust?

Revocable TrustsA revocable trust is one where usually, grantor/trustee/beneficiary are the same person. It can be revoked or amended any time until the person's death.Upon death the trust property bypasses probate and assets are distributed to the heirs.ClarificationA trust is a right to hold property for the benefit of another. A trustor (grantor, settlor) creates the trust, places the trust property (land, money, stocks, etc.) in the trust and names both the trustee who will hold power over the trust property and the beneficiaries. A revocable trust can be amended or revoked by the trustor at any time during her life. Be careful with that first statement in the first answer. It is not the definition of a revocable trust. In fact, it is a common trust error. In many states where the grantor, trustee and beneficiary are the same person there is no trust created and the property remains in the grantor's estate. That error can cause serious consequences down the road.

Do all American coins have In God you Trust?

no it is in god we trust