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Well a Head Louse doesn't get very big about 3 Millimeters

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Q: How big is a head lice?
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What did the army do to try and stop the soldiers getting lice?

Burn the lice with candles.

What is the probability of getting head lice and how do you stop yourself from being scared of getting head lice?

If you have primary school age children then the likelihood of them getting head lice (repeatedly!( these days is very high - believe me! Chances are you will have them too at some point. Other than that, I would think your chances of catching them are quite low. To stop yourself being scared the best thing to do is to realise that it happens to lots of normal people, and to lots of normal people's children. You get a more realistic picture when you realise that - it is not a major catastrophe, nor something that can't be fixed. They can even be eradicated naturally - it just takes patient combing with a fine tooth comb - for a few weeks to ensure none are left. One way to keep them away, there is home remedy.. it conset of rosemary poppuri a lil of olive oil, (because you don't want to dry out the sclap with the poppuri) so u mix it all up! apply around the edges of the hair. where lice tend to enter.. for sum reason the lice don't like it... so there u have it good luck.. if this works for u let me no!! muah... Why be scared lol it happens you just need to get the right stuff to put on your hair.... and...... bobs your uncle!!!!! well he's my dad but you get my point

What is big hat size?

For those of people who have big head sizes from XL to XXXL, we,, offer you big size hats and caps in different styles and colors. We have big size hat selections of Fedoras, Ball Caps, Ivy, Newsboy Hats, Beanies, Straw Hats and others.

What do you do when getting head?

dont grab her head unless she's into that

What does est grande mean in french?

est grandemeans is big or is large.Elle est grande.She is big (or it is big [if the noun is feminine])