To find 40 percent of 750 ml, you would first convert 40 percent to a decimal by dividing by 100, which gives you 0.40. Then, you would multiply 0.40 by 750 ml to get the answer. Therefore, 40 percent of 750 ml is 300 ml.
Ont thousand milliliters (ml) equals one liter (L).
The mean value of 100, 70, 70, and 20 is 65
This cannot be sensibly answered. A milliliter (mL or ml) is a measure of volume, grams (g), kilograms (kg) and milligrams (mg) are measures of weight or mass.
70% of 50,000 is 35,000.
To convert milliliters (ml) to centiliters (cl), divide the number of milliliters by 10. For example, to convert 50 ml to cl, divide 50 by 10 to get 5 cl.
cl = centi litre, therefore 70 cl = 700 ml
Multiply cl by 100 to get ml
There are 10 ml in one cl. So if there is 20 cl, just times 20 with 10 to convert centiliter or cl to ml or milliliter. Multiplication of 20 with 10 will give 200.
First, note that cl is the same as centiliters and ml is the same as milliliters. Thus, when you are asking to convert 480 cl to ml, you are asking to convert 480 centiliters to milliliters. A centiliter is larger than a milliliter. Simply put, cl is larger than ml. In fact, a centiliter is "10 to the power of 1" larger than a milliliter. Since a centiliter is 10^1 larger than a milliliter, it means that the conversion factor for cl to ml is 10^1. Therefore, you can multiply 480 cl by 10^1 to get 480 cl converted to ml. Here is the answer with the math showing you how to convert 480 cl to ml by multiplying 480 by the conversion factor of 10^1.
There are 530 ml in 53 cl. This is because there are 100 ml in 1 cl. So, to convert from centiliters (cl) to milliliters (ml), you multiply by 10.
When converting 26 until ml's the answer is 260 milliliters.
No, 70 ml of water is approximately 0.309 of a cup
0.27 cl 1 centiliter = 10 milliliters 1 milliliter = 0.1 centiliter
23000 cL is greater than 4 L 5000 mL. To compare, you can convert all values to the same unit. 4 L 5000 mL is equivalent to 9500 mL, which is less than 23000 cL.