Go to your deviation and on the side (where it says 'Add Deviation to Favs') at the bottom there is edit deviation and under is delete.just click on delete to do so.Though keep in mind you can only delete one deviation at a time.There isn't a way to delete more than one quickly.
You can't delete your deviantART page.
The sum of standard deviations from the mean is the error.
The sum of total deviations about the mean is the total variance. * * * * * No it is not - that is the sum of their SQUARES. The sum of the deviations is always zero.
It would be useful to know what the deviations were from.
For which measure of central tendency will the sum of the deviations always be zero?
You can't delete your deviantART page.
look at their FAQ
On deviantART, you cannot delete an account. Once you create an account, it stays there permanently, even if you are not active. Occasionally, a person may comment and complaining how a username is wasted, but they can do nothing to your account.
Um, log off?Otherwise, if you want to delete your account, and get off of DeviantArt permantley, then you go to "Edit Settings" and then off to the left, in the "Personal" column, click "Deactivation".Then click Yes or No, and say goodbye DeviantArt!
An OC on deviantart is short for Original Character. Like for your own stories or from tv shows, cartoons or anime.
You can make a plz account the same way you make a regular account on deviantArt. People who have plz accounts never talk or post deviations, they just make it for fun and let people on deviantArt use it in their comments.
You cannot delete comments on deviantART, you can however 'hide' them if there are for you. It will simply put it as bar saying 'Comment Hidden by Owner'. Also, if it is spam, you can click 'Flag as Spam' and it will also be hidden/taken away.
You may deactivate your print(s) by first going to the Submit menu at the top of each deviantART page and choosing Manage Prints from the drop down menu. You will then select the Your Products link.
No, but you can delete all your deviations, then submit your username and password to accounts like The-Death-List for other people to use.You can deactivate your account by clicking on your icon thingy and at the top left hand corner you will see that you are on "Identity" below that you will see "General", "Browsing" and "Deactivation". Click "Deactivation" and the rest is self explanitory. Hope this helped :)
When you request to join a group, there is a corresponding message in your inbox. Go to your messaging inbox and click the "Withdraw" button. Hope this helped!
The DeviantArt Mascot Contest was in 2001
people who viewed your deviantArt page.