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Q: How do you increase netrophils?
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What is the mononuclear phagocyte system why cant a neutrophil belong to this system?

there are two types of cells that is involved in phagocytosis. The netrophils and the monocytes/macrophages. Netrophils are characterised by the multi-lobular nuclear and the monoctye/macrophage by the single nuclear. Though there perform the same role, neutrophils does not belong to the mononuclear phagocytic system simply because its nuclear is multilobulated. max pangali PNG.

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increase increase increase increase HELLO PEOPLE increase increase increase HELLO PEOPLE

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It depends on where you are starting from. An increase from 10 (to 30) is a 200% increase. An increase from 100 (to 120) is a 20% increase.

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Yes, your IQ can increase.

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860% increase. (A 100% increase would be an increase of 10, and there is an increase of 86, so 860%.)

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It depends if the increase in Average Cost is caused by an increase in Fixed Costs or an increase in Variable Costs. An increase in Fixed Costs will not increase MC, because FCs do not vary with output (by definition) And increase in Variable Costs will increase MC

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Yes, increase does have a prefix. In- is the prefix of increase.

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An increase in ocean salinity can increase density creating a convection current.

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it depends on what you mean by "increase" and "decrease." It can actually go both way. the alimony I get can this increase

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They will increase.