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How do you subtract standard deviations?

Square the standard deviations, subtract/add them and calculate the square root of the subtraction/sum. StDV=sqrt (StDvA^2+StDvB^2)

How do you calculate standard deviation on a ti-30xa calculator?

Enter each data point followed by the E+ button. Ex: 1.052 "E+" 1.054 "E+" 1.054 "E+". After all data points are entered, press 2nd then the square root button. Ex: 2nd Square Root = 0.00115.

How do you calculate Z and T scores?

z=(x-mean)/(standard deviation of population distribution/square root of sample size) T-score is for when you don't have pop. standard deviation and must use sample s.d. as a substitute. t=(x-mean)/(standard deviation of sampling distribution/square root of sample size)

How does one calculate the standard error of the sample mean?

Standard error of the sample mean is calculated dividing the the sample estimate of population standard deviation ("sample standard deviation") by the square root of sample size.

How do you find the standard deviation?

The standard deviation (?, pronounced sigma) of a set of values is a measure of how much the set of values deviates from the average of the values. To calculate ? of a complete set of values (as opposed to a sampling),...Calculate the average of the set (the sum of the values divided by the quantity of the values).Calculate the difference between each value and the average calculated in step 1, then square the difference.Calculate the average of all the squares calculated in step 2.The standard deviation is the square root of the average calculated in step 3.