345982 to the nearest whole number. 345980 to the nearest ten. 346000 to the nearest hundred. 346000 to the nearest thousand. 350000 to the nearest ten thousand. 300000 to the nearest hundred thousand. Zero to the nearest million.
It is: 14,000,000 rounded to the nearest million
You look at the digit in the one millions position, which is a 4. That causes the number to be rounded down to 530000000.
It is 10 million, to the nearest million, or 10.3565 million.
Round 42,199,279 to the nearest 10 million.
To the nearest million it is: 296,000,000
The nearest million is 6,000,000.
950,000 rounded to the nearest million is 1 million or 1,000,000.
It is 3 million
2 million
123 million
77 million
100 million
16,000,000 million
1 million
7 million