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There are many different problems and different ways for solving them.

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Q: How do you solve problems on probability?
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How do you calculate probability problems?

a 12-sided die is rolled. The set of equally likely outcomes is (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12). What is the probability of rolling an 8

How do you solve for the probability of dependent events?

P(A)=.35 P(B given A)=0.6 P(A and B)= ?

What is probability how you use or solve probability?

Probability is the chance (in percentage or decimal) of a particular event to happen. lets say that you tossed a coin. the possible events to happen are ending up with heads or tails. the probability of having a head is 50% or .5 while the probability of having a tails is 50% or .5. to solve for the probability, divide the particular event with the total number of possible events. ex. what is the probability of getting a 3 when you rolled a dice? particular event= having a 3= 1 event total number of events= having either a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6= 6 events particular event/ total number of events= 1/6 hoped i helped!

How do you solve this problem there are 3 sets of examination in a vocational TESDA course the probability that an examinee will pass in each subject is 80 what is the probability that an examinee pas?

The problem as I understand it is the examinee must pass test 1 and test 2 and test 3. Therefore, the probability of passing all 3 exams is .8*.8*.8 = 0.512.

How do you solve for probabilities in binomial distributions?

Suppose you have n trials of an experiment in which the probability of "success" in each trial is p. Then the probability of r successes is: nCr*pr*(1-p)n-r for r = 0, 1, ... n. nCr = n!/[r!*(n-r)!]

Related questions

How do you solve probability problem?

There are many different problems and different ways for solving them.

Where might one go to learn more about how to solve probability problems?

There are many ways one can go to learn how to solve probability problems. One can pick up a math tutorial book, look at tutorials online or enroll at a college.

How do you solve probability with a mean?

You cannot solve probability since it is not a question! It is like asking how you can solve history!

How do you solve a problem using probability?

The answer depends on that the problem is!

How do you solve an experimental probability?

by doing what u think

How do you solve this grade 6 probability problem?


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What are the problems on proportions and probability 1.6?

You cannot since probability can never be greater than 1.