The fact that the data is qualitative or quantitative does not in and of itself have anything to do with its reliability.
frequency distribution contain qualitative data
Quantitative data is quantity - how much. Qualitative data is quality - is it good? what is it like?
A method of analysis using qualitative research data.
This kind of data is qualitative, meaning it is an observation of a particular facet of the observed thing. Quantitative date is numerically-based.
Qualitative data is information that can not be measured, such as the colour of your eyes. Qualitative data descriobes
Qualitative data is information that is not in numerical form.
qualitative data
Quantitative data is quantity - how much. Qualitative data is quality - is it good? what is it like?
frequency distribution contain qualitative data
Quantitative data is quantity - how much. Qualitative data is quality - is it good? what is it like?
Qualitative data is the data which deals with description and observation... In sociology, the qualitative data is based on observing and describing something in detail.. However, the Quantitative data is the data which is associated with numeric. It comes from the word "quantity"
There are several different types of data. Some include qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative is data that is not numeric and quantitative data is numerical.
Quantitative data is based on qualitative judgments whereas qualitative data is delineated and manipulated numerically.
Litmus paper data would be considered under the qualitative, because of the readingin color. Although the color is descrbing an actual pH number, it is still a qualitative data.