It depends on whether you are rounding to the nearest ten of hundred (or even twenty).
There are only 999 three digit whole numbers.
59 of them. Any 2-digit number, from 41 to 99 (inclusive), rounded to the nearest 80 would lead to 80.A:It depends on what you are rounding to. Assuming you are rounding to the nearest tens it would be the following:75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, & 84
There are no three-digit numbers that equal 17. In fact, there are no numbers with more or less than two digits that equal 17. In fact, in the whole infinite supply of numbers, there is only one single number that equals 17. That number is . . . . . . . 17 .
Everything from 550 to 649.
Nine of them.
99 of them.
600 of them. Any number from 300 tp 899 (inclusive), to the nearest 600.
3 and these are 600,650,and 700
999 - 99 = 900
999 - 99 = 900
Highest 2-digit number = 99Highest 1-digit number = 999 - 9 = 90 two-digit numbers90.
One pound = 454 grams (rounded).
The numbers from 75 to 84 are rounded off to 80 to the nearest ten
greatest two digit number is 99. smallest whole number is 0 there fore 99-0=99