The hexadecimal system is base 16.
How many digits in a fed referemce number?
TWO digits are in the number 30, 3 and 0
The number of digits in a phone number depends on the county of the number itself. For instance, in the United States, there are typically 10 digits for a number, whether it has an area code or is toll free.
.. octal adj. Of, relating to, or based on the number eight: an octal number ... isthe base-8 number system,
Don't know; don't have any friends
8 in octal, 16 in hexadecimal.
There is no largest number, either decimal or binary.
There are 10 digits in our number system. The symbols 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,and 9 are the digits used to create numbers.
There are two digits in the binary number system. 0 and 1
It turns out that using the binary system - base 2 - requires circuits that are extremely simple, compared to circuits that manage decimal (base 10) numbers. So, internally, computers do lots of stuff in binary. Octal and hexadecimal numbers are used as shorthand for binaries, to make them readable for humans. This is because on average, a number written in binary digits requires 3-4 times as many digits as a number in decimal. Each octal (base 8) number simply represents three bits (binary digits); while each hexadecimal (base 16) number represents 4 bits.
When dealing with large quantity of binary numbers of many bits, it is easy and more efficient for us to write the numbers in octal form. This system is used to express large numbers as used in computers e.g. 16 bits or 32 bits used to express data, memory address, instruction code, processor status etc. Moreover, octal multiplication and division are more easy than the hexadecimal number system. As they are complex because they make use of alphabets 'A' to 'F' after 0 to 9. -
10 digits.