The average ant weighs only 3 to 5 milligrams. One million ants would only weigh about 3000 to 5000 grams or about 6.6 to 8.8 pounds.
But because there are millions of times as many ants on Earth as humans, the analogy is sometimes made that the tens of trillions of ants would be roughly comparable in biomass to the 7 billion humans on Earth.
70,000 million
2.1 million
1 ton = 2,000 pounds . . 150,000 tons = 300 million pounds
It is 10 million, to the nearest million, or 10.3565 million.
A person shares their birthday with at least nine million different people around the world.
The total weight of all the ants is equal to the total weight of all humans on the earth, which is about 1 and 1/2 million (1,500,000) ants for each human living on the Earth, says E.O Wilson, a famous entomologist. An entomologist is a scientist who studies insects.
A million is equal to exactly one million, no more nor less.
By a very strange coincidence, it is equal to 5934.58 million!
One million is one thousand multiplied to one thousand. 1000^(2) = 1000 x 1000 = 1,000,000
Approximatly 968,000,000 or 968 Million ants. Note: this does not include the bombing in the american testing grounds
0.1 crore = 1 million - whether that is dollars, people or grains of sand!
500 million is equal to 50 crore
It is equal to exactly one million: not more nor less.
1 million rupees is exactly equal to 1 million rupees.
A trillion = a million millions.
150 million