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Not enough to stem the problem of overpopulation obviously.

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Q: How many people die in the world each day?
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How many people run each day?

There is not an actual number of how many people run each day. Thousands of people all over the world run as a form of exercise each day. Some people run daily and others run a few days a week.

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There are thousands of McDonalds all over the world so I expect that millions of people visit it every day.

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17. 19 on every third thursday.

How many people people in the world die a day?

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The number of people that visit a bowling center each day can vary depending on the number of centers opened that day in the world, the weather (when it's bad weather, more people tend to do indoor things), the day of the week and many other factors.

How many people visit the pentagon each day?

Many people each day but it is not quite clear how many to be exact because a different number goes every day.

How many people get shot by a gun each day?

The estimation is that about 1,000 people get shot worldwide each day. About 250-350 shootings a day occur in the US. This number was higher in 2011, when there were a record number of uprisings across the world.