According to line 6, of paragraph 687, the avreage person asks however many questions he desires to ask. If you have a gosh dang problem with that, get the heck off this website!(:
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Ranges of normal cholesterol levels are with your doctor age and weight and height. Again if you have questions like this go talk to your doctor! Consult don't be afraid to ask questions.
this is not fair you say ask anything and when i do you only can answer half of my questions
Do your research and read your math book! You're not going to succeed in the future if you just ask for questions! hahaha
Because crack is a dangerous drug and causes people to ask generally stupid questions.
i think an average child asks about 200 to 300 questions. I think they ask this many questions because they get curious.
questions you would ask an unemployed person
200-300 around that.
yes and no why would you ask that are you a person of many questions
It was pretty average. (We're not mind readers here. You have to ask questions that give us some clue what you're talking about.)
The average four year-old child asks about four hundred questions every day.
Yes, you can ask as many questions as you want on WikiAnswers. Also, it never hurts to ask/answer many questions also.
No, not really. At least not questions that refer to a specific person. You can ask general questions about school children.
The 20 questions game is that one person will ask the question and the other person will answer. The person who started the game will ask all 20 questions before the other person starts their 20 questions.