Since there are 4 letters, they can be arranged 4! ways (4*3*2*1) or 24 ways.
The cubes can be arranged in a line in 24 orders, and each cube can be arranged in 24 orientations so the answer is 24*24 = 576 ways. Of course, the question does not require then to be in a line so there are really infinitely many ways: for example one cube in your house, one in your garden, one in my house and one in my garden. Move one of them a bit and that's a different arrangement.
It is 6!/3! = 6*5*4 = 120 ways
Rebecca = 7 letters 7! is 7 * 6 * 5 * 4* 3 * 2 = 5040 different ways -----------------------------
Any 6 different items can be arranged in 6! (6 factorial) ways. 6! = 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 720.
You can arrange 4 in 2 ways 1x4 and 2x2.
24 ways
4! 4 * 3 * 2 = 24 ways ==========
4! = 4*3*2*1 = 24 ways
Since there are 4 letters, they can be arranged 4! ways (4*3*2*1) or 24 ways.
There are 4 distinguishable letters in the word fish, so there is 4! or 24 different ways can you arrange the letters in the word fish.