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Q: How much money does the average actuary who is a partner make?
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What is an acturist?

An acturist is actually called an 'actuary." An actuary is a person who make a living of studying uncertain future events. Generally, an actuary uses math, financial theories and statistics to study future events in relation to pension programs and insurance.

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The average Brazilian works to earn money

How much does a kenyan actuary make?

about 1.5 million KSHS per month

How do you become a partner in sims 3?

To become a business partner in the Sims 3, all you have to do is click on the place that you want to partner and click the interaction "Become Partner for $......." To become a partner costs A LOT of simoleons so make sure you have enough money to do so.

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She's a Youtube Partner, so they pay her to make these videos!

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You mean how much money do psychiatrist make?!. Anyway they make an Average of $192,000 a year.

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Follow the directions for "partner" on YouTube, and yes; you may even make money.

Courses that need to be taken before you become a professional actuary?

In the US, one becomes an actuary by taking actuarial exams. Some courses of study make it easier to pass the exams. Examples are calculus, statistics, and accounting.

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3.4 million is the average as of 2012.

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3.2million on average per season