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Q: If a bag contains 90 red counters and the probability of choosing a red counter is 0.3. How many blue counters?
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what Bob takes out 1 random counter. The bag contains 60 countersThere are 20 Blue, 13 Red and 27 Yellow.What is the chance of Bob not selecting a Yellow counter?

Out of the 60 counters, 33 of them are not yellow. Divide that by the total counters and you get 33/60 or 55%.

What is a counter interval?

the space between contour lines

What is the probability that the dealer will not get blackjack?

The chance of a Blackjack appearing for any player OR the dealer is slightly different depending solely upon how many decks are used.The approximately correct answer in all cases though is odds of 20-1That is to say, that one out of every 21 hands is a Blackjack.Ergo, the probability of the occurrence is approx. 4.8%The question asked is "What is the probability of the Dealer not getting a blackjack."Therefore, the correct answer is 100% - 4.8% = 95.2%If you consider that there is 1 Ace per suit, and 4 tens per suit, then the correct answer is (1/13 * 4/13) = 4/169 or a 2.367% chance that the dealer will get blackjack.The chance that with an Ace showing that the dealer has a 10 under the Ace, is 4/13 or 30.769%.With a 10 showing, the chance the dealer has an Ace below the 10 is 1/13 or 7.692%.The reason you aren't supposed to take insurance, is because of the 30% chance to have it. However if the deck is +6, then even a professional card counter will take insurance.

14 players for a softball team show up for a game How many ways are there to assign the 10 positions by selecting players from the 14 people who show up?

Try calling it, "14 choose 10". Set up the equation: n!/r!(n-r)! n=14, r=10 So: (14!)/[10!(14-10)!] Final answer: 1001 different ways. The number is so large it is simply counter intuitive, isn't it?....but it's true!

What is closed frequent itemset in datamining?

An itemset is closed if none of its immediate supersets has the same support as the itemset. So for example, if {Bread, Milk} is an itemset that has support=4, and all of its supersets has support<4, then {Bread, Milk} is a closed itemset. Counter e.g.: If, let's say, {Bread, Milk, Sugar} has support=4, then {Bread, Milk} is not a closed itemset anymore. Note: The definition states "the same" and doesn't say "the same or more" because it's impossible for a superset to have a support greater than one of its subsets.

Related questions

2 white counters and 1 black counter What is the probability that the counter will be black?

1/2 Because there is 2 white counter and 1 black and there is a chance you will get white. But a probability getting white is that there is 2 white counters. SM

If a bag contains ten counters of which six are red and four are green a counter is chosen at random its color is noted and is replaced in the bag a second counter is then chosen at random?


What company's gives away free hit counters?

The following companies give away free hit counters for websites: Super Counters, Count Wise, Simple Hit Counter, Rapid Counter, Easy Counter, Free Counter Code.

what Bob takes out 1 random counter. The bag contains 60 countersThere are 20 Blue, 13 Red and 27 Yellow.What is the chance of Bob not selecting a Yellow counter?

Out of the 60 counters, 33 of them are not yellow. Divide that by the total counters and you get 33/60 or 55%.

What is a shine counter in Yu-gi-oh?

'Counters' in Yu-Gi-Oh are markers added to a card by various effects. Because different cards can place Counters, the counters are often named, these names are just to distinguish themselves from one another. So Spell Counter, A-Counter, Shine Counter. The Counters themselves actually have no effect unless an effect is granted to them by something else in play. They are just markers. So if you take the card 'Realm of Light', it places counters on itself, and it calls these counters 'Shine Counters' to make clear that only these counters work with its effect, counters with other names do not. Apart from what Realm of Light says these counters do, there are no special rules associated with a 'Shine Counter', it's just the name for the markers this particular card uses.

If 50 counters are in the whole set what fraction of the set is 45 counters?

If there are 50 counter in a set, 45 counters represents 90% of the set.

What rhymes with counters?

Encounter, bean counter, over the counter, under the counter,

What is a counter in math?

in math counters are objects that help you count

What is a Johnson Counter?

Johnson counter is a ring counter, which is a type of counter composed of a circular shift register. Johnson counter provides many shift registers and ring counters.

If 12 counters equal 25 what does 1 counter equal?


What are fog counters in yu gi oh?

In Yu-Gi-Oh! there are cards that let you put different types of counters on cards and different counters have different effects on different cards. A "Fog Counter" is just another type of counter and is used by the "Cloudian" cards for a variety of effects.

What are the types of digital counters?

The types of digital counters include asynchronous (ripple) counters and synchronous counters. Asynchronous counters change state based on the clock input, with each flip-flop triggering the next. Synchronous counters have all flip-flops triggered simultaneously by a common clock signal.