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Frequency distribution - it is well defined as "The process of determining the number of times a score occurs, that is, the frequency of its occurrence." This way of distributing scores is significant to gauge the test you have conducted to the class, because it will enable a teacher to measure if the test is easy, average or, difficult. They say the test is said to be easy if most high scores are frequently distributed, average if it's in the middle, and difficult if most scores frequently distributed are low. What is the usage of this process? In a way this aids a teacher to evaluate scores and put meaning to it.

If we will put this into practice and follow procedures in distributing our actions, we will learn how often we commit same mistakes; hence, we are able to avoid them if we realized this act of profanity is frequently done. If we will equate this process to daily routines of life, that is the simplest idea that comes into mind. We have to evaluate our acts and decision to have better results. Being a man of profound judgment will ensure results of our aspirations. We could practice vigilance in whatever we do for our own betterment. By doing so we will notice how often do we succeed in our dealings with other people and how do we fail to cope up with trying moments. Our group, the Englishgroup, has been totally an example of this idea, whenever our leader gives a task to complete, most of us are assigned over the same work. So from this we were able to come up with a conclusion maybe some of us are good compared with the others and same goes with the opposite. Disturbing it maybe, but it's true; we can't really avoid such circumstances wherein there are greater persons and lesser person than you are. It is inevitable for some people to choose for this is man by nature, will always go for the best. Who would want to lose, I guess nobody?

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In a frequency distribution table, there are usually five parts/columns (12th grade statistics):class, frequency, mid-point, relative frequency, and cumulative frequency.