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Q: Is drawing a card from a deck of cards and tossing a coin independent or dependent?
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Is drawing two cards from a regular deck of cards and not replacing them dependent or independent?


Is drawing 2 cards from a regular deck of cards and not replacing them first dependent or independent?

The second card cannot be the same as the first. Thus the first outcome affects the second and so the events are not independent.

Is this independent or dependent p (drawing a face card from a deck of cards after a jack was just drawnand replaced and the deck shuffled again?

The second event is independent of the first.

Picking cards from a deck is dependent or independent?


What is independent probability?

An independent probability is a probability that is not based on any other event.An example of an independent probability is a coin toss. Each toss is independent, i.e. not related to, any prior coin toss.An example of a dependent probability is the probability of drawing a second Ace from a deck of cards. The probability of the second Ace is dependent on whether or not a first Ace was drawn or not. (You can generalize this to any two cards because the sample space for the first card is 52, while the sample space for the second card is 51.)

What is the difference between independent and dependent probability?

Select 2 cards, do not put the 1st back in the deck. This is dependent probability. The outcome of drawing the 2nd card depends on the 1st card drawn. Select a card, look at it and put it back in the deck. Select a 2nd card. These are independent of each other. One does not change the probability for selecting the 2nd.

Two events are independent if they have the same probability?

No, two events are independent if the outcome of one does not affect the outcome of the other. They may or may not have the same probability. Flipping two coins, or rolling two dice, are independent. Drawing two cards, however, are dependent, because the removal of the first card affects the possible outcomes (probability) of the second card.

In each case are the two events dependent or independent Toss a dime and then toss a quarter. Pick a card from a deck of cards. Keep the card and pick another.?

Picking cards without replacing them are NOT independent events, since once you pick a card, you can't pick the same card again.

What is the probability of drawing a ''pair'' of cards when drawing two consecutive cards from a deck of playing cards?

The probability of drawing a pair from a standard deck of 52 cards is 3 in 51, or 1 in 17, or about 0.0588.

Drawing 3 cards that are all 9 from a deck of cards?

The probability of drawing 3 cards, all with the value of 9, from a standard 52 card deck, is ~0.018%.

What is the probability of drawing Spade from a pack of cards and drawing an Ace from a pack of cards?

Spade: 1 in 4 Ace: 1 in 13

Probability of drawing a 10 out of 52 cards?

The probability of drawing a 10 out of 52 cards is 4 in 52, or 1 in 13, or about 0.07692.