Distracted driving is the leading cause of motor vehicle accidents.
Hasty generalizing
An experimental error is is
A theoretical error is an error that is not quite proven, which means that it is also arguably not an error.
Standard error is random error, represented by a standard deviation. Sampling error is systematic error, represented by a bias in the mean.
Turning without signal
driver error
That's a common error.
human error.........
There are two common formula errors. One error is that the formula is read wrong. The other error is that the formula is written down incorrectly.
Human error?
Not a question. Operator error.
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It is a common typographic error for formula.
texting on the phone while driving
ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) crashes are almost always caused by human error. There is a slight chance the ATV itself will be defective, but generally speaking ATV crashes are due to the drivers negligence on some level. The most common types of driver errors are - children operating an adult sized ATV, driving an ATV with a passenger on the back, general reckless driving, and driving in unsafe weather conditions.
human error